Barozzi Veiga in Athens

EPIKYKLOS supported the event organized by the contemporary architecture organization DOMa, as an ongoing creative partner, held as part of the actions of the “EPIKYKLOS Academy of Culture”.

Following Manuel Aires Mateus and Juan Herreros, the contemporary architecture organisation DOMa continued the series of speeches by distinguished architects presenting Fabrizio Barozzi, co-founder with Alberto Veiga of the Barozzi Veiga office in Barcelona, in a lecture held in the atrium of the Benaki Museum.

The two architects hold, among others, the top European Mies van der Rohe Architecture Award for the Szczecin Philharmonic building in Poland and served as judges at the 2022 Greek Architecture Awards established by DOMa.

Through four projects, two important art museums in Switzerland and two buildings – studios for artists in London and Miami, Fabrizio Barozzi presented the special approach of the two architect creators.

Barozzi Veiga transcend the facile and standardized technophile trends that pervade the professional activity of many architectural firms and that many cultural agency managers and most real estate professionals settle with.

They counter-propose a method that deeply understands the long tradition of the western city, recognizes the special characteristics of life in it and the need to create places that combine familiarity with monumentality, for the public actions of individuals, groups and institutions.

Their architecture seeks to create simple, abstract works that highlight timeless materials and modern techniques. They consciously carry on the European tradition, without being interested in show and sensationalism. This perception, along with a surplus of talent, ensures their works material and aesthetic durability and, above all, lasting cultural value.

At the end of the event, which was attended by more than 350 people, he shared the special issue of DOMa with the audience, dedicated to one of the works presented by Fabrizio Barozzi.