The new CULTURES residential building constructed by EPIKYKLOS, in an architectural study by A2 Architects, aims to promote art and culture in the city.
9-12 December – Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre
Admission free
EPIKYKLOS supports the exhibition entitled “Athens 200 Years 200 Buildings” as a creative partner. The exhibition is taking place at the Tower of Books of the National Library of Greece, at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre, from Thursday 09 to Sunday 12 December 2021.
The exhibition is based on the architectural publication with the same title by architect Manolis Anastasakis and presents the 200 buildings from the book, which are situated in Athens and its wider region. They are emblematic buildings that we come across in our daily lives in the city, the history and evolution through time of many of them we mostly ignore.
The presentation of the 200 buildings is organised in five time periods, based on the chronology of the publication. In addition, each period has a more detailed overview, presenting on 10 screens the architectural production in Greece through its historical, social and cultural context. The audio background of the exhibition is a timelapse of Athens’ musical history of the past 200 years.
Workshops / Tours
On Saturday 11/12/2021 at 11:00 and 13:00 there will be two hourly workshops by experts, as well as presentations for children aged 8 to 12. The same day at 18:00 and on Sunday 12/12/2021 at 11:00, there will be presentations for adults with a duration of 45’.
You can book a free place and receive a free entrance code for the workshop by emailing gradreview@outlook.com. For entering the space all safety measures against the pandemic active during that period will be observed.
The exhibition is organised by Citylab, the University of West Attica and grad review magazine, with an exclusive sponsorship by AVAX Group and is under the auspices of the City of Athens and the Athens Club.